WCS London did very well at competitions at TOSHC this past weekend (July 14-16, 2023). Trish Weedmark and Claudia Amaral made finals in newcomer (and placed fourth!) and it was so fun that they drew each other! Jessica Polzer placed 2nd leading in Novice (with Elza...

WCS London represented on the competitive floor at BTO in Ottawa (March 31st to April 2nd 2023)! Trish Weedmark and Philip Stamov made finals in the newcomer division. Jessica Polzer placed first in the novice division as a lead and was an alternate (almost made...

Jeff Lone won the mini Jack and Jill at the Waterloo dance on March 18th, 2023 out of 11 couples. Well done, Jeff!

Jessica Polzer placed 2nd as a leader in the Novice division at Derby City Swing 2023, with 60 leaders participating! Congratulations, Jess!

Jessica Polzer placed third as a lead in novice at Montreal Westie Fest 2022 and fourth as a lead in novice at Cash Bash 2022! She also made finals in the Master’s division as a follow at Cash Bash. Well done, Jess!