International WCS Rally (Flashmob)

Y‘know..where people just pretend they’re milling around and shopping and suddenly everyone starts doing the same thing (like dancing) and all the passersby pull out their cell phones to record something that “you just had to see!”?

What is the International WCS Rally?

Every year, this choreography is designed in France by Olivier and Virginie Massart and is performed by WCS dance communities in September all over the world. West Coast Swing London (Ontario) has been participating in this annual global dance event since 2015. You can view our previous performances at the bottom of this page. The performance is optional.

Learning the Choreography:

We will teach the choreography in 3 X 1.5 hour classes on Monday June 10, 17, and 24 from 6:30-8:00pm. There will also be time for practice and social dancing afterwards until 9:00pm. We will hold review/refresher classes in July and August, which are included in the cost. Dates of the September performance and review classes to be decided.

Do I Need a Partner?

No. We recommend that you try to sign up in a dance partnership, with one lead and one follow. However, you can also sign up as a single dancer and indicate your preferred role. We will do our best to put you in a partnership for the performance (optional). Remember that WCS is gender-neutral – anybody can lead or follow!

Who should sign up for the Rally?

Everyone! These routines are designed for newer and experienced WCS dancers AND for those who have never done WCS (or any dance!) before! New dancers will get exposed to WCS and learn a routine. For those with more WCS dance experience, learning a routine can help you practice your skills through repetition and will expose you to new patterns. You will also have a lot of fun and contribute to the growth and energy of your local WCS community!

Class Series Details:

When: 3 Monday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (optional practice/coaching time 8:00-9:00): June 10, 17, and 24; refresher class(es) TBA

Where: Polish Hall, 554 Hill St.

Cost: $85/Couple; $45/Single. Save $5 if payment is sent via e-transfer before June 10th. Send e-transfer to Include the full names of you and your partner in the e-transfer comments.

Flash mob Performance Date: TBA

Location: TBA

Where Do I Register?

Click here

Look below for details on this year’s Flashmob as well as past performances by our London group